What can you do? Quest Soccer Club needs your support to run a successful program for our kids and minimize play costs. Here are a few ways YOU CAN HELP.
- COACH: Be the head coach for one of the Recreational teams
- ASSISTANT COACH: Help the head coach at practices and games
- TEAM PARENT: Communicate between the coaches and the parents, set up snack schedule, trophy and picture pick up, end of the year party
- FIELD PATROLS: 2-hour intervals during fall and spring seasons to supervise behavior of fans, parents, coaches, and players
- OFFICE HELP: Clerical help (filing, paperwork, data entry, etc.), answering phones (during registration the phone traffic is very busy in the Quest office), uniforms/t-shirts (organizing and distribution), etc.
- PROJECTS / EVENTS: Helping in any number of areas for special projects/events for the recreational program and/or the club as a whole.
For additional information regarding volunteering in any capacity, contact our commissioners at
info@questysc.com or call 281-476-6499 - PLEASE DO NOT JUST TEXT. We can not reply properly to random questions without knowing all details.